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Teachers have a unique opportunity to see students every day, and have the potential to see warning signs of challenges a student may be facing before the student realizes it on their own. These challenges can include dealing with depression, suicide, loss, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, and others. Many of these issues have touched our lives personally while we were K-12 students. It was in part due to our teachers' help and support in our schools that helped our community to grieve and heal together, and work to educate members of our community of the issues students were facing. Teachers have the ability to have an immense impact on students, and it all begins with being educated on what you can do to help in times of adversity in supporting your students and yourself. We have seen this support in action on more than one occasion, and hope to be able to be a support for our future students, should it be necessary, the way our teachers were for us.

There's nothing, repeat, nothing to be ashamed of when you're going through a depression. If you get help, the chances of you beating it are really good. But, you have to get yourself onto a safe path. 


- Mike Wallace


©2013-2014 ETE 345: Classroom Management. Created with

Page Contributors: Amber Bradley, Sam Kintop, Emily Roth, Stephanie Rumboldt

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